Aug 20, 2020

Chris Terrell, sales manager at Holler Hyundai, had challenges starting out in the car business, but since the lightbulb clicked on, he has had nothing but success.

In the early 1990s, Chris needed to make a change in his career. He had spent years selling upscale shoes, and the boutique shoe stores were starting to shut down. Many of his clients were dealership employees, several of whom said he would be good in the car business. Chris decided to give it a try. While he struggled through the first year, he has been successful ever since.

Chris is originally from Jacksonville, and life has taken him many places. Before working in the car industry, he served in the US Army. For the past 26 years, Chris has worked in various places in automotive roles. He spent a couple years training on best practices at different dealerships around the country.

Then, 18 years ago, he joined the Holler-Classic family. He is currently in his 12th year as a sales manager at Holler Hyundai, a role he takes pride in that is helping him train the next generation of leaders. Being able to guide, push, encourage, and educate employees motivates him to work hard in his role. The next big goal is to increase diversity in the industry and company.

When Chris started in the car business, it was unusual for anyone who graduated college to even consider an automotive career. Now, more non-traditional people are joining the team, and he feels they are more open to trying because of the positive, open environment he has helped create.

“Everyone fits. Everyone has a role to play,” Chris said. “We can be more successful as a group with more diversity.”

For anyone looking to get into the car business, Chris stresses the importance of becoming brilliant in the basics. Learning the fundamentals is important, and wanting to serve others is what helps people thrive. The Holler-Classic company has shown that it really cares about customers by empowering employees to treat customers right.

“Some companies give lip service to caring about customers,” Chris said. “The Holler organization really means it.”

While Chris puts his all into his role as a sales manager at Holler Hyundai, he finds time outside of work to be active in his community. He spends a lot of his free time at community events with his church and masonic family. His proudest accomplishment is having raised four great adults who are doing phenomenal things. Overall, Chris works hard every day to be a strong leader who inspires the next generation of leaders.